Squire Chair

The Harold Squire Endowed Adjunct Chair in Entrepreneurship/Small Business

Recognizing the important role of entrepreneurs in fueling the economic engine of the U.S. economy, the Harold Squire Adjunct Chair in Entrepreneurship/Small Business serves to enrich the Master of Business Administration program at Capital University. The purpose of this endowment is to fund the appointment of an adjunct professor in entrepreneurship in the Executive MBA program.


The successful candidate for the Harold Squire Adjunct Chair in Entrepreneurship/Small Business will possess not only the appropriate academic credentials and teaching experience, but also significant and successful experience as an entrepreneur. The chair holder will teach an elective course in entrepreneurship that addresses contemporary issues, practices, and research in the field. To assure appropriate balance of theory and practice, it is expected that practicing entrepreneurs/small business persons, will periodically be invited to the class to serve as guest lecturers and/or panel discussants. The chair holder will serve as a resource for faculty and students interested in entrepreneurship. The chair holder will receive an annual stipend and may, based on available proceeds of the endowment, propose a budget for the use of additional funds to foster the purposes of the endowed chair. The appointee may hold the chair for a six-year term, subject to annual review and reappointment, and may be eligible for subsequent reappointment. The holder will submit an annual report of related activity to the provost, the academic chair or dean, and the Squire committee. If endowed funds beyond the stipend are requested, an annual budget request will also be submitted.

Selection Process

The Harold Squire Adjunct Chair in Entrepreneurship/Small Business will be appointed by the president and officially named by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the appropriate faculty, dean of the school of management, and provost. The Squire Committee, which will include the chair/dean of the business school, all tenured faculty members in the department of business, and a representative from the provost’s office, will review nominations for the chair and recommend a candidate for appointment.

Ongoing Evaluation and Guidance

The Squire Committee, assisted by a liaison from the advancement staff, will provide ongoing guidance to the chair holder on matters related to the endowed chair. The Squire Committee will also provide recommendations to the provost regarding review and reappointment as described above.